E-mail Marketing

Best practices of E-mail Marketing for your needs

Medical email marketing is a tool that every office should strongly consider. With a solid understanding of email marketing best practices, you will be well-equipped to succeed in new ways. We believe that email marketing campaigns are vital components of your internet marketing plan. Rx Medical Web builds a unique information management system which stores your client’s name and email address. Part of any effective marketing campaign involves staying in contact with your customers, and email marketing lists are an efficient way to stay on top of your communication efforts.

What we do?

  • Physician Written Emails

    Our physicians write fresh and informative newsletters each week which are then emailed to your database of clients. (you may set the interval at your discretion, and review or change content as you like). These emails are not sales related but rather information your clients will enjoy receiving. It is this ongoing contact with your clients that will help them remember who you are, what services you offer, and how to reach you when they are ready to have a procedure. This E-Mail Marketing Tool is highly effective and built into your medical website. Rx Medical Web’s goal is to help you achieve financial success in your medical practice. Having a powerful website that well maintained, always fresh and stands out because of an exceptional design, effective content and because of the relative ease by which a client may find your website, will help you successfully market your practice and attract new patients. Rx Medical Web will help you achieve this by creating and maintaining an impressive website for your practice and make sure your website will consistently be found by your “new” customers.

  • Email Capture System

    Our Email Capture system allows you to save the clients email address when they request information from you. This information may include “free reports” (such as on healthy looking skin or “7-steps to flawless skin”. These “reports” are written by our physicians and embedded in your website. After the customer enters their email, they receive this free report.

    Having their email address now allows you to send weekly emails and newsletters to them about relevant information they will be happy to receive.

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