Tweet your way to success

Almost everyone has heard of twitter and how people are constantly posting updates (known as tweets) about every small detail of their lives. Besides the social reasons that people use twitter, it can also be used to expand your business. How does your twitter help your business? As a marketing tool twitter can be used to gets your thoughts out there. The information you post can range from the services and products you supply to fun and interesting info that in some way have something to do with your company or services. Get information out there about a new product or sale that you are having fast with the help of twitter.  When posting a tweet make sure to take advantage of the #hashtag feature which allows other users to search your posts on twitter. Another important function of twitter is to drive traffic to your website by including links to them on your posts, but make sure your post is relevant to the content on your website. These posts can be something as simple as posting a link to a printable coupon on your website or providing a link to the contact info page for those who want to get in touch with your office.

Twitter also allows you to stay constantly connected to your clients by allowing them to message you or reply to your tweets whenever they have a question. Get feedback about your company quickly by posting a question on twitter and watch all of your followers reply promptly with the information you want. Keep in touch and get to know your clients and your employees by starting a conversation with them on twitter. People have made it their daily routine to post their thoughts and opinions on twitter, so why not join in the conversation? This will make other people feel that you are a real person that they can go to for any question about your company without talking to a bot. Twitter doesn’t just help you stay in contact with your clients, you can even check up on your competition and see what they post or what other people think about their services. Twitter lets you get the inside scoop on how the community feels about your competition and can help you not make the same mistakes as your competitors.

By using twitter effectively to market your company and keeping yourself in touch with your clients and competition you can reap the full benefits of twitter. Build a relationship with your clients and community by using twitter to keep touch and to start a conversation with them. Twitter lets you reach out to millions of people who have an interest in what you offer, the services you provide, and what you talk about. There are thousands of other big name companies that use twitter effectively to market themselves, and the best thing about twitter is that it is free and instantaneous. At first it may take a while to notice the impact that twitter has on your company but give it time and as your relationship with your followers grow your business will surely grow as well.